Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo (National Training and Employment Service) is a Chilean labor organization operated by Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo, a public non-profit entity. Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo is headquartered in the city of Santiago de Chile and its services have national coverage. According to jobRank's review, based on the type of job offering, career information and/or this labor organization's focus and targets, Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo is suitable for job seekers with any level of education. With regards to the level of work experience, Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo is recommended for job seekers with a work experience range between 0 and over 30 years (including retirees).
Labor Institutions & Organizations
Geo Coverage
Name | Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo ![]() |
Name (English) | National Training and Employment Service |
Founded | |
Company | Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo |
Acronym | SENCE |
Address | Santiago de Chile Santiago Chile |
![]() |
+56 |
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+56 |
jobRank shows below whether Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo provides services such as job search and resume/CV posting for job seekers, as well as job posting and resume search for employers or recruiters. Furthermore, jobRank differentiates between services that are offered for free and those that are fee-based.
Job Search
not reported
Resume/CV Posting
not reported
Job Posting
not reported
Resume/CV Search
not reported
jobRank publishes below Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo's focus and niche targets to help candidates and job seekers understand if this job site is suitable for their experience, aspirations and overall work search profile.
This job site focuses on job openings suitable for job seekers with the following minimum level of education: ALL Levels of Education
This job site focuses on employment vacancies suitable for job seekers within the following range of years of work experience:
minimum 0
maximum over 30 years (including retirees)
This job site focuses on job offers suitable for job seekers within the following career ladder groups: ALL Career Ladder Levels
This job site focuses on jobs in the following industries and/or specialties: ALL Industries & Specialties
This job site focuses on job vacancies in the following company areas and departments: ALL Company Departments
This job site focuses on job opportunities in companies or organizations of the following size:
Not available; please submit an official wikipedia article, preferably in English, about Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo.
We appreciate your feedback and error reports. Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo's official representatives can claim this page and request to update this entire job site profile free of charge by clicking on UPDATE ALL
Site last updated: Wednesday, 13 September 2023
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Social Media
Social Media
Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo's Facebook page
Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo's main LinkedIn profile